
Documents  Renyi, Alfred | enregistrements trouvés : 16


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Combinatorial theory and its applications 3 Ed. Erdoes, Paul ; Ed. Renyi, Alfred ; Ed. Sos, V.T.. -Amsterdam : North-Holland , 1970 . - pp.803-1201


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Combinatorial theory and its applications 2 Ed. Erdoes, Paul ; Ed. Renyi, Alfred ; Ed. Sos, V.T.. -Amsterdam : North-Holland , 1970 . - pp.395-799


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Combinatorial theory and its applications 1 Ed. Erdoes, Paul ; Ed. Renyi, Alfred ; Ed. Sos, V.T.. -Amsterdam : North-Holland , 1970 . - 390


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A Diary on information theory Renyi, Alfred. -Budapest : Akademiai Kiado , 1984 . - 191


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Foundations of probability Renyi, Alfred. -San Francisco : Holden Day , 1970 . - xvi, 366


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Briefe über die Wahrscheinlichkeit Renyi, Alfred. -Stuttgart : Birkhäuser , 1969 . - 94


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Calcul des probabilités avec un appendice sur la théorie de l'information Renyi, Alfred ; Trad. Bloch, A.. -Paris : Dunod , 1966 . - xiii, 620 p. ; 25 cm


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