
Documents  anomalie | enregistrements trouvés : 17


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International congress on mathematical physics Ed. Mebkhout, M. ; Ed. Seneor, R.. -Singapore : World Scientific , 1987 . - xvii, 872 p. ; 23 cm


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High energy physics 1985 vol. 2 Ed. Bowick, M.J. ; Ed. Gursey, F.. -Singapore : World Scientific , 1986 . - p.471-975 ; 22 cm


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High energy physics 1985 vol. 1 Ed. Bowick, M.J. ; Ed. Gursey, F.. -Singapore : World Scientific , 1986 . - vii , 464 p. ; 22 cm


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Mathematics and physics : lectures on recent results : vol. 2 Ed. Streit, L.. -Singapore : World Scientific , 1986 . - vii, 344


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Anomalies, geometry, topology Ed. Bardeen, William A. ; Ed. White, Alan R.. -Singapore : World Scientific , 1985 . - xviii , 558 p. ; 23 cm


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The Decomposition of global conformal invariants Alexakis, Spyros. -Princeton NJ : Princeton university Press , 2012 . - vii, 449 p. ; 24 cm
ISBN 9780691153476


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The Quantum theory of fields. Vol. 3 : supersymmetry Weinberg, Steven. -Melbourne, New York NY : Cambridge university Press , 2000 . - xxii, 419 p. ; 26 cm


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Quantum topology and global anomalies Baadhio, Randy A.. -London, River Edge NJ, Singapore : World Scientific , 1996 . - xiv, 270 p. ; 23 cm


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Geometry of nonlinear field theories Percacci, Roberto. -Singapore : World Scientific , 1986 . - x-255


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Superstrings. Vol. 2 : the first 15 years of superstring theory Ed. Schwarz, H.. -Singapore : World Scientific , 1985 . - ix, p 575-1141


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