
Documents  convergence faible | enregistrements trouvés : 14


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Weak convergence of measures Bogachev, Vladimir I.. -Providence RI : American mathematical Society , 2018 . - xii, 286 p. ; 26 cm
ISBN 9781470447380


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Large deviations for stochastic processes Feng, Jin ; Kurtz, Thomas G.. -Providence RI : American mathematical Society , 2006 . - xii, 410 p. ; 26 cm
ISBN 9780821841457


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Limit theorems for null recurrent Markov processes Hoepfner, Reinhard ; Loecherbach, Eva. -Providence RI : American mathematical Society , 2003 . - vi, 92 p. ; 26 cm
ISBN 9780821832318


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A User's guide to measure theoretic probability Pollard, David. -Cambridge : Cambridge university Press , 2002 . - xiii, 351 p. ; 26 cm
ISBN 9780521002899


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Functional analysis Lax, Peter D.. -New York NY : Wiley-Interscience , 2002 . - xx, 580 p. ; 24 cm
ISBN 9780471556046


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Probability theory Varadhan, Srinivasa R. S.. -Providence RI, New York NY : American mathematical Society ; Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences , 2001 . - vii, 167 p. ; 25 cm
ISBN 9780821828526


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Elements of operator theory Kubrusly, Carlos S.. -Basel, Berlin, Boston MA : Birkhäuser , 2001 . - xiii, 527 p. ; 24 cm


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A Weak convergence approach to the theory of large deviations Dupuis, Paul ; Ellis, Richard S.. -Chichester, New York NY, Weinheim : John Wiley , 1997 . - xvii, 479 p. ; 24 cm


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Elliptic regularizatoion and partial regularity for motion by mean curvature Ilmanen, Tom. -Providence RI : American mathematical Society , 1994 . - 90 p. ; 26 cm
ISBN 9780821825822
