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Graph structure theory Ed. Robertson, Neil ; Ed. Seymour, Paul ; University of Washington. -Providence RI : American mathematical Society , 1993 . - xiv, 688 p. ; 24 cm


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Topological and geometrical methods in field theory Ed. Mickelsson, Jouko ; Ed. Pekonen, Osmo. -Hong Kong, London, New Jersey, Singapore : World Scientific , 1992 . - xi, 452 p. ; 22 cm


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Topological quantum field theories and geometry of loop spaces Ed. Feher, Laszlo ; Ed. Stipsicz, Andras I. ; Ed. Szenthe, Janos. -Singapore, River Edge NJ, London : World Scientific , 1992 . - ix, 112 p. ; 22 cm


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Integrable systems and quantum groups Ed. Carfora, M. ; Ed. Martellini, M. ; Ed. Marzuoli, A.. -Hong Kong, London, New Jersey, Singapore : World Scientific , 1992 . - vii, 181 p. ; 22 cm


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Geometry and theoretical physics Ed. Debrus, J. ; Ed. Hirshfeld, A. C. ; Physikzentrum Bad Honnef. -Berlin, Heidelberg, London, New York, Paris : Springer , 1991 . - x, 323 p. ; 24 cm


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Strings 89 : international superstring workshop Texas A&M University College Station, TX, March 13-18, 1989 Ed. Arnowitt, R. ; Ed. Bryan, R. ; Ed. Duff, M.J.B. ; Ed. Nanopoulos, D. ; Ed. Pope, C.N.. -Singapore, River Edge NJ, London : World Scientific , 1990 . - xii, 559 p. ; 23 cm


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Knots, topology and quantum field theories Ed. Lusanna, L.. -Singapore : World Scientific , 1989 . - viii, 652


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Noeuds, tresses et singularites Ed. Weber, Claude. -Genève : L'Enseignement mathématique , 1983 . - 259


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Volume conjecture for knots Murakami, Hitoshi ; Yokota, Yoshiyuki. -Singapore : Springer , 2018 . - ix, 120 p. ; 24 cm
ISBN 9789811311499


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Surface-knots in 4-space : an introduction Kamada, Seiichi. -Singapore : Springer , 2017 . - xi, 212 p. ; 24 cm
ISBN 9789811040900


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Representing 3-manifolds by filling Dehn surfaces Vigara, Rubén ; Lozano-Rojo, Alvaro. -Hackensack NJ : World Scientific , 2016 . - xvii, 276 p. ; 24 cm
ISBN 9789814725484
