
Documents  supersymétrie | enregistrements trouvés : 47


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The Moduli space of curves Ed. Dijkgraaf, R. ; Ed. Faber, C. ; Ed. van der Geer, Gerard. -Basel, Berlin, Boston MA : Birkhäuser , 1995 . - xii, 563 p. ; 24 cm


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Differential geometrical methods in theoretical physics Ed. Bleuler, K. ; Ed. Werner, M.. -Dordrecht, Boston MA, London : Kluwer Academic Publishers , 1988 . - xvii, 471 p. ; 25 cm


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Strings and superstrings : Vol. 3 Ed. Piran, T. ; Ed. Weinberg, S.. -Singapore, River Edge NJ, Hong Kong : World Scientific , 1988 . - ix, 222 p. ; 24 cm


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Group theoretical methods in physics. Vol. 3 Ed. Markov, M.A. ; Ed. Man'Ko, V.I. ; Ed. Shabad, A.E.. -Chur, London , Paris : Harwood Academic Publishers , 1987 . - xi, pag. mult. ; 24 cm


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International congress on mathematical physics Ed. Mebkhout, M. ; Ed. Seneor, R.. -Singapore : World Scientific , 1987 . - xvii, 872 p. ; 23 cm


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Seminar on supermanifolds 7 Merkulov, S.A. ; Ed. Leites, Dimitry. -Stockholm : Department of Mathematics ; University of Stockholm , 1986 . - 20 p. ; 29 cm


il s'agit d'un séminaire tenu en URSS et édité en Suède

supersymétrie ; théorie conforme des champs ; supergravité

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A Celebration of the mathematical legacy of Raoul Bott Dédic. Bott, Raoul ; Ed. Kotiuga, P. Robert. -Providence RI : American mathematical Society , 2010 . - ix, 403 p. ; 26 cm
ISBN 9780821847770


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Handbook of pseudo-Riemannian geometry and supersymmetry Ed. Cortés, Vincente. -Zürich : European mathematical Society , 2010 . - xviii, 946 p. ; 25 cm
ISBN 9783037190791


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