Lectures on field theory and topology
/ Freed, Daniel S..
-Providence RI : American mathematical Society, 2019. - xi, 186 p. ; 26 cm
ISBN 9781470452063
Quantum field theory, supersymmetry, and enumerative geometry
/ Ed. Freed, Daniel S. ; Ed. Morrison, David R. ; Ed. Singer, Isadore.
-Providence RI : American mathematical Society;Institute for Advanced Study, 2006. - viii, 285 p. ; 26 cm
ISBN 9780821834312
Five lectures on supersymmetry
/ Freed, Daniel S..
-Providence RI : American mathematical Society, 1999. - vii, 119 p. ; 26 cm
Quantum fields and strings : a course for mathematicians. Vol. 2
/ Ed. Deligne, Pierre ; Ed. Etingof, Pavel ; Ed. Freed, Daniel S. ; Ed. Jeffrey, Lisa C. ; Ed. Kazhdan, David ; Ed. Morgan, John W. ; Ed. Morrison, David R. ; Ed. Witten, Edward ; Institute for advanced study.
-Providence RI : American mathematical Society, 1999. - xxii, p. 727-1501 ; 26 cm
Quantum fields and strings : a course for mathematicians. Vol. 1
/ Ed. Deligne, Pierre ; Ed. Etingof, Pavel ; Ed. Freed, Daniel S. ; Ed. Jeffrey, Lisa C. ; Ed. Kazhdan, David ; Ed. Morgan, John W. ; Ed. Morrison, David R. ; Ed. Witten, Edward ; Institute for advanced study.
-Providence RI : American mathematical Society, 1999. - xxii, 723 p. ; 26 cm
Geometry and quantum field theory
/ Ed. Freed, Daniel S. ; Ed. Uhlenbeck, Karen K..
-Providence RI : American mathematical Society;Institute for Advanced Study, 1995. - ix, 459 p. ; 26 cm