Floer homology groups in Yang-Mills theory
/ Donaldson, Simon K. ; Collab. Furuta, M. ; Collab. Kotschick, Dieter.
-Cambridge : Cambridge university Press, 2002. - vii, 236 p. ; 24 cm
ISBN 9780521808033
Fundamental groups of compact Kaehler manifolds
/ Amoros, J. ; Burger, M. ; Corlette, K. ; Kotschick, Dieter ; Toledo, D..
-Providence RI : American mathematical Society, 1996. - xi, 140 p. ; 26 cm
Topology, geometry and field theory
/ Ed. Fukaya, K. ; Ed. Furuta, M. ; Ed. Kohno, T. ; Ed. Kotschick, Dieter.
-Singapore, River Edge NJ, London : World Scientific, 1994. - viii, 255 p. ; 22 cm