The Ricci flow: Techniques and applications: Part IV
/ Chow, Bennett ; Chu, Sun-Chin ; Glickenstein, David ; et al..
-Providence RI : American mathematical Society, 2015. - xx, 374 p. ; 26 cm
ISBN 9780821849910
The Ricci flow: Techniques and applications: Part III
/ Chow, Bennett ; Chu, Sun-Chin ; Glickenstein, David ; Guenther, Christine M. ; et al..
-Providence RI : American mathematical Society, 2010. - xix, 517 p. ; 26 cm
ISBN 9780821846612
The Ricci flow: Techniques and applications: Part II
/ Chow, Bennett ; Chu, Sun-Chin ; Glickenstein, David ; Guenther, Christine M. ; et al..
-Providence RI : American mathematical Society, 2008. - xxv, 458 p. ; 26 cm
ISBN 9780821844298
The Ricci flow: Techniques and applications: Part I
/ Chow, Bennett ; Chu, Sun-Chin ; Guenther, Christine M. ; Glickenstein, David ; et al..
-Providence RI : American mathematical Society, 2007. - xxiii, 536 p. ; 26 cm
ISBN 9780821839461