Arithmetic geometry and automorphic forms
/ Dédic. Kudla, Stephen S. ; Ed. Cogdell, James W. ; Ed. Funke, Jens ; Ed. Rapoport, Michael ; Ed. Yang, Tonghai.
-Somerville MA : International press, 2011. - 557 p. ; 26 cm
ISBN 9781571462299
On certain L-functions
/ Ed. Arthur, James ; Ed. Cogdell, James W. ; Ed. Gelbart, Stephen S. ; et al..
-Providence RI, Cambridge MA : American mathematical Society;Clay Mathematics Institute, 2011. - viii, 647 p. ; 26 cm
ISBN 9780821852040
Lectures on automorphic L-functions
/ Cogdell, James W. ; Kim, Henry H. ; Murty, M. Ram.
-Providence RI : American mathematical Society, 2004. - xii, 283 p. ; 26 cm
ISBN 9780821835166
Selected works of Ilya Piatetski-Shapiro
/ Piatetski-Shapiro, Ilya I. ; Ed. Cogdell, James W. ; Ed. Gindikin, Simon G. ; Ed. Sarnak, Peter.
-Providence RI : American mathematical Society, 2000. - xxvi, 824 p. ; 26 cm