
Documents  homologie de Hochschild | enregistrements trouvés : 28


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Quantum deformations of algebras and their representations Ed. Joseph, Anthony ; Ed. Shnider, Steven. -Ramat-Gan : Bar-Ilan University , 1993 . - xi, 176 p. ; 24 cm


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Adams memorial symposium on algebraic topology 1 Ed. Ray, N. ; Ed. Walker, A.G.. -Cambridge : Cambridge university Press , 1992 . - xxiii, 292 p.; 23 cm


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Introduction to Vassiliev knot invariants Chmutov, Sergei ; Duzhin, S. V. ; Mostovoy, Jacob. -Cambridge : Cambridge university Press , 2012 . - xvi, 504 p. ; 25 cm
ISBN 9781107020832


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Minimal resolutions via algebraic discrete Morse theory Jöllenbeck, Michael ; Welker, Volkmar. -Providence RI : American mathematical Society , 2009 . - vi, 74 p. ; 26 cm
ISBN 9780821842577


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Equivalence de Morita relative Steffan, Jean-Luc. -Strasbourg : Institut de recherche mathématique avancée , 1992 . - 39 p. ; 30 cm


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