
Documents  mécanique statistique | enregistrements trouvés : 138


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Entropy Ed. Greven, Andrew ; Ed. Keller, Gerhard ; Ed. Warnecke, Gerhard. -Princeton NJ : Princeton university Press , 2003 . - xiv, 358 p. ; 24 cm
ISBN 9780691113388


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Physical combinatorics Ed. Kashiwara, Masaki ; Ed. Miwa, Tetsuji. -Boston MA : Birkhäuser , 2000 . - ix, 317 p. ; 24 cm


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Stochastic processes, physics and geometry II Ed. Albeverio, Sergio A. ; Ed. Cattaneo, U. ; Ed. Merlini, D.. -Hong Kong, London, New Jersey, Singapore : World Scientific , 1995 . - xvi, 736 p. ; 22 cm


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Probability and phase transition Ed. Grimmett, Geoffrey R.. -Dordrecht, Boston MA, London : Kluwer Academic Publishers , 1994 . - xvi, 322 p. ; 25 cm


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Quantum field theory, statistical mechanics, quantum groups and topology Ed. Curtright, Thomas ; Ed. Mezincescu, Luca ; Ed. Nepomechie, Rafael ; University of Miami. -Singapore, River Edge NJ, London : World Scientific , 1992 . - ix, 347 p. ; 22 cm


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The Unreasonable effectiveness of number theory Ed. Burr, Stefan A.. -Providence RI : American mathematical Society , 1992 . - x, 125 p. ; 26 cm


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Nonlinear physics Ed. Chaohao, Gu ; Ed. Yishen, Li ; Ed. Guizhang, Tu. -Berlin, Heidelberg, London : Springer , 1990 . - ix, 287 p. ; 25 cm
