
Documents  solution périodique | enregistrements trouvés : 27


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Ordinary and delay differential equations Ed. Wiener, Joseph ; Ed. Hale, Jack K.. -Harlow : Longman Scientific & Technical , 1992 . - 269 p. ; 25 cm


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Handbook of differential equations. Ordinary differential equations. Vol. 2 Ed. Canada, Antonio ; Ed. Drabek, Pavel ; Ed. Fonda, Alessandro. -Amsterdam : Elsevier , 2005 . - xi, 569 p. ; 24 cm
ISBN 9780444520272


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Ten mathematical essays on approximation in analysis and topology Ed. Ferrera, J. ; Ed. Lopez-Gomez, Julian ; Ed. Ruiz del Portal, F. R.. -Amsterdam : Elsevier , 2005 . - xii, 269 p. ; 25 cm
ISBN 9780444518613


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Analytic theory of global bifurcation Buffoni, Boris ; Toland, John. -Princeton NJ, : Princeton university Press , 2003 . - x, 169 p. ; 24 cm
ISBN 9780691112985


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Time dependent problems and difference methods Gustafsson, Bertil ; Kreiss, Heinz-Otto ; Oliger, Joseph. -Chichester, New York NY, Weinheim : John Wiley , 1995 . - xi, 642 p. ; 25 cm


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The Restricted 3-body problem : plane periodic orbits Bruno, Alexander D. ; Préf. Szebehely, Victor G. ; Trad. Erdi, Balint. -Berlin, New York : Walter de Gruyter , 1994 . - xiv, 362 p. ; 24 cm


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Differential equations : introduction and qualitative theory Cronin, Jane. -Basel, New York NY : Marcel Dekker , 1994 . - xi, 370 p. ; 23 cm


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Nonlinear Stokes phenomena Ed. Il'yashenko, Yu. S.. -Providence RI : American mathematical Society , 1993 . - xiv, 287 p. ; 26 cm


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Functional differential equations with infinite delay Hino, Yoshiyuki ; Murakami, Satoru ; Naito, Toshiki. -Berlin, Heidelberg, London, New York, Paris : Springer , 1991 . - x, 317 p. ; 25 cm


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