
Documents  gravité quantique | enregistrements trouvés : 22


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Geometry, topology, quantum field theory & cosmology Dir. Kouneiher, Joseph ; Dir. Barbachoux, Cécile ; Dir. Hélein, Frédéric. -Paris : Hermann , 2009 . - iv, 329 p. ; 23 cm
ISBN 9782705668624


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Knots and quantum gravity Ed. Baez, John C.. -Oxford : Clarendon Press , 1994 . - xiii, 229 p. ; 24 cm


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Quantum gravity : Proceedings of the seventh Nishinomiya-Yukawa memorial symposium Ed. Kikkawa, K. ; Ed. Ninomiya, M.. -Singapore, River Edge NJ, London : World Scientific , 1993 . - v, 206 p. ; 22 cm


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Random surfaces and quantum gravity Ed. Alvarez, Orlando ; Ed. Marinari, Enzo ; Ed. Windey, Paul. -London, New York N.Y. : Plenum Press , 1991 . - viii, 407 p. ; 26 cm


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The Interface of mathematics and particle physics Ed. Quillen, D.G. ; Ed. Segal, Graeme ; Ed. Tsou, S.T.. -Oxford : Clarendon Press , 1990 . - ix, 230 p. ; 24 cm


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Quantum concepts in space and time Ed. Penrose, R. ; Ed. Isham, Chris J.. -Oxford : Clarendon Press , 1986 . - x, 358 p. ; 24 cm


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Quantum gravity Kiefer, Claus. -Oxford NY, us : Oxford university Press , 2007 . - xi, 361 p. ; 24 cm
ISBN 9780199212521


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Discrete gauge theory : from lattices to TQFT Oeckl, Robert. -Londres : Imperial college press , 2005 . - xii, 202 p. ; 24 cm
ISBN 9781860945793


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Quantum gravity Rovelli, Carlo. -Cambridge : Cambridge university Press , 2004 . - xxiv, 455 p. ; 26 cm
ISBN 9780521837330


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Seiberg-Witten theory and integrable systems Marshakov, Andrei. -Singapore : World Scientific , 1999 . - 253 p. ; 22 cm


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Under the spell of the gauge principle t' Hooft, Gerard. -Singapore : World Scientific , 1994 . - xi, 683 p. ; 25 cm


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