
H 0 Blagodatskikh, V. I.

[2 document(s)]

Documents (Auteurs)

  • [MathCongrès] Number theory and analysis / Ed. Karatsuba, Anatoly A. ; Ed. Blagodatskikh, V. I.. -Providence RI : American mathematical Society, 1995. - x, 351 p. ; 25 cm
  • [MathOuvrage] Theory of numbers, mathematical analysis, and their applications / Ed. Bogolubov, Nikolai N. ; Ed. Mardzhenishvili, K. K. ; Collab. Karatsuba, Anatoly A. ; Collab. Oskolkov, K.I. ; Collab. Blagodatskikh, V. I.. -Providence RI : American mathematical Society, 1983. - viii, 248 p. ; 25 cm