
Documents  Folland, Gerald B. | enregistrements trouvés : 10


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Quantum field theory : a tourist guide for mathematicians Folland, Gerald B.. -Providence RI : American mathematical Society , 2008 . - xi, 325 p. ; 26 cm
ISBN 9780821847053


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A Course in abstract harmonic analysis Folland, Gerald B.. -Boca Raton FL, Boston MA, London : CRC press , 1995 . - viii, 276 p. ; 26 cm


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Fourier analysis and its applications Folland, Gerald B.. -Pacific Grove CA : Brooks/Cole publishing company , 1992 . - x, 433 p. ; 24 cm


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Harmonic analysis in phase space Folland, Gerald B.. -Princeton NJ : Princeton university Press , 1989 . - ix, 277


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Real analysis : modern techniques and their applications Folland, Gerald B.. -Brisbane, Chichester, New York NY, Singapore, Toronto : John Wiley , 1984 . - xiv, 350 p. ; 24 cm


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Introduction to partial differential equations Folland, Gerald B.. -Princeton NJ : Princeton university Press , 1976 . - v, 349 p. ; 24 cm


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Fourier analysis and its applications Folland, Gerald B.. -Providence RI : American mathematical Society , 1992 . - x, 433 p. ; 26 cm
ISBN 9780821847909


originally published : Pacific Grove CA, Wadsworth & Brooks/Cole advanced books & software,1992

transformation de Fourier ; transformation de Laplace ; fonction de Green ; distribution ; série de Fourier

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